
Dental Fillings in Hennur, Bangalore

Our Service

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings Materials

A cavity on your tooth and having an infection within the enamel or the dentin layer of the tooth but not extending into the pulp warrants a filling/restoration A dental filling is done using special tooth-colored materials that are biocompatible and aesthetic. A commonly used material for dental fillings is dental composite material.

What is Dental Filling ?

Having a cavity on your tooth, and an infection within the enamel or the dentin layer of the tooth but not extending into the pulp? A dental filling treatment can restore your healthy smile.

Importance of Dental filling

Dental fillings seal cavities and decay in your teeth. It becomes necessary to avoid further decay, restore the tooth’s structure, and improve oral well-being. Serious infections and loss of teeth can be prevented too.


CureAlign Dentistry offers the most precise dental fillings in Hennur to safeguard your oral health.

Dental Fillings Procedure in Hennur, Bangalore

When you opt for dental fillings treatment at CureAlign Dentistry Clinic in Bangalore, here’s how we bring flawless results for you:

1. Removal of the decay

This process requires us to use a dental airotor which is a device that cuts into the decay and helps us remove it from the tooth

2. Isolation of cavity

The prepared tooth needs to be free of saliva and for that, we use cotton rolls and suction tubes

3. Filling of tooth

The shade of the dental composite material is matched with the tooth it is to be placed on

4. Finishing and polishing of filling

Make sure the filling looks and feels exactly like your original teeth
Improve your oral well-being with quality dental filling at CureAlign Dentistry in Hennur, Bangalore.

At CureAlign Dentistry, we care about your oral health. That’s why our dental filling treatments in Hennur involve biocompatible and aesthetic materials to minimize the chances of infection and discomfort. The dental composite material is a good choice for dental fillings.


Get safe and effective dental filling done by skilled and experienced dentists at our clinic in Hennur, Bangalore.

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What is the Price range for Dental filling in Bangalore ?

The price of dental fillings treatment in Bangalore depends on the type of filling required and the material used.

Glass ionomer fillings (GIC) and composite fillings are more affordable whereas gold fillings cost more. The range varies between INR 800-5000.

How long do dental fillings last ?

If done well and if proper care is taken post treatment then fillings can last a good 10-15 years.

Our dentists will guide you with the best-suited option according to your tooth type and their effective lasting duration.

Which dental fillings last longest ?

Gold cast fillings last longest up to 20 years. More affordable than gold. Get in touch with our skilled dentists to get the most suitable filling treatment done for you with high accuracy, hygiene, and care.

Are dental fillings painful ?

The Dental fillings are not painful unless the decay is very deep. However, experienced dentists like the ones at our clinic in Hennur, Bangalore make the dental filling process much more comfortable.

To know the detailed information about Dental filling services in Hennur. Get in touch with our dental specialists today.