Teeth Sensitivity or Dentin Hypersensitivity

Teeth Sensitivity or Dentin Hypersensitivity 
Sensitive Teeth

The painful response of the teeth to external stimuli such as cold and hot drinks, sweets , fizzy drinks and even to hot and cold air. This could even mean anything from getting a mild sensation to severe discomfort that can continue for several hours. Normally all teeth show some response to an external stimuli such as hot or cold drinks, but comes back to its normal state as soon as the stimuli is removed. 

The main reason for this is the wearing away of the outer protective layer of the teeth, the enamel.

What could be the reason for this worn-out enamel?

The reasons are many:

    1. Erosion of the teeth due to more consumption of fizzy drinks
    2. Thinning out of enamel due to inappropriate brushing techniques 
    3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or chronic acid reflux, where the mouth is exposed to frequent acidic stomach contents
    4. Tooth decay due to consumption of sweets or improper oral hygiene 
    5. Receding of the gums from its original position due to faulty brushing and deposits on the tooth ( calculus )
    6. Excessive or extreme clenching of the teeth ( Bruxism) due to stress

How do you prevent this?

Once this enamel is worn-out, this God made layer cannot be regrown. It can only be substituted with artificial materials :

  1. Avoid consuming fizzy drinks such as soda and other aerated drinks. Instead include milk and dairy products in your diet as milk provides calcium that strengthens the teeth.
  2. Use a soft bristle toothbrush for brushing , holding the brush like a pen to avoid too much pressure on the teeth. Use circular motion on the biting surface as well as the surface facing the cheeks and lips, and upward and downward strokes for the inner surfaces
  3. Consult a Gastroenterologist or a physician to get the condition under control
  4. Brush twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste and rinse thoroughly after each meal to ensure that you keep your oral cavity maintained thus eliminating the chances of cavity and gum disease
  5. Visit your Dentist to get your crown or filling and make sure that you get your routine checkups done
  6. Break the habit of bruxism, relax yourself or wear a ‘ night guard’ to avoid excessive wearing away of the teeth. 

In case of any further queries, contact CureAlign Dentistry on +91-8431259096

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